For Sale
Deadline for Midnight Madness Ads is 1:00pm TODAY!!! Please come to The Pennsic Independent Office (top of Runstone Hill on The Great Middle Highway. We are shorthanded and cannot come to you!!!
Outgrown tunics, most linen. See Brangwayna at Westengale off St. Lawrence on N03.
Panther marquee 18 x 18 $2000. Space 162. Includes 4 rugs,& select fixtures. Other display items are also available. End of War pick up only.
Evenweave linen by the inch @ Maison rive booth#24
Mediaeval Miscellanea - just what it says! Space28
Sunforger Boatshrunk canvas $9 aye maison rive #24
Needles, Pins, Thimble rings, Buttons & more #93 Roman bits & bobs? We have them & more! sp #93 Authenticity is cool! We have your stuff! Space 93
40-ish fiberglass arrows - used - Plus spare parts - $2.50 each. 25 tubular crossbow bolts - brand new $3.00 each. 2 fiberglass BEAR bows - $40 each. Serious inquiries - please text - 716 909 3363
More toys than a toy shop! Stuffed animals/people, hard toys, games + puzzles. Some free toys! Sp 28
Costuming Laurel pre-estimate sale! 6 boxes of trim, ect. 51 boxes of fabric. Some mixed garb. Space 28.
Tapestries, Inc. 12th c. Scandinavian. Space 28
PERIOD PAVILIONS FOR RENT + SALE! Inc. 4 on site avail. now, 6 more at end of war + lots more at home. Custom work available. Mediaeval Misc., Sp 28.
MANNEQUINS + SEWING DUMMIES, Mediaeval Misc., Sp. 28
TENT SUPPLIES inc immed. emergency tentage. Sp.28
Feast gear, used, plain + fancy. Good prices. Sp.28
Viking Brooches small $15 large $25 Neverland Desings #121
Ask Morwena about Lightning wands! (only 10 at war) Shop # 4
Wide prim straw hats at Neverland Designs #121 $6
Emergency Mobility Scooter repair. See Dierk GDH/E10
Deadline for Midnight Madness Ads is 1:00pm TODAY!!! Please come to The Pennsic Independent Office (top of Runstone Hill on The Great Middle Highway. We are shorthanded and cannot come to you!!!
Friends, Romans, and most especially the authors of Lucius’s Commentary (The large sheets decorated with Roman Graffiti left on our boundary fence). The quality of art and accompanying documentation bespeaks a commitment to authenticity as well as a deep sense of the absurd which are two of the key attributes of a Laurel. I, Uta Fellhammer, Mistress of the Laurel, Viscountess of the mists, resident art scholar of La Familia Gladiatoria, would like to present to you a token of our esteem as well as a sponsorship for any A&S event of your choice. Please stop in at La Familia Gladiatoria while we are open to recieve your accolade. -Uta Fellhammer, La Familia Gladiatoria
Remember, good gentles, that good etiquette is truly timeless: consider your words as well as your actions, as tomorrow was never promised. In memorium to OG, with love from A.
146.520 1800 Hrs. If you know, you know
Wanted: Information leading to the capture and browbeating of Mr. Eric Kricket for crimes including but not limited to: Unpleasantness, fraud, beer spillage, weather magic, skylarking, mooching, food criticism, Heresy, and Crimes against nature...
Deadline to submit names for The Pennsic Independent Memorial Issue is Tuesday at 1:00pm. Name submissions should include (only that information you are comfortable giving): SCA Name, Modern Name, Date of Death, Age at Death, Cause of Death. IF YOU WISH TO HAVE MORE INFORMATION, please purchase a Memorial Display for a special prince of $8 per column inch. All must be submitted at the Pennsic Independent office! We are short-handed and cannot do so via email. Thank you, and peace be with us all.
Help Wanted
Pennsic trailer needs lift home after Pennsic 50th. Pennsic 50 will be my last War, I have a 5x10 trailer that needs to get home to Savannah Georgia (31408), if you are going near to Meridies or Trimaris and would be willing to tow it back, after War week 2023 Please call me. 718-637-7118
Herald’s Point Needs Volunteers!!! We need greeters, and more Heralds!!! We are happy to teach Heraldry! Come in and have fun, meet new friends, learn new skills.
Breakdown help needed by Mediaeval misc F/S sp28
Need 32 bit program on 64 bit computer, Can you help? text 425-654-0597
Lost and Found
Lost Knife in Bog. Small, round black handle. Three diamond makers mark. Very sentimental please return to Canvas Skulls W13 Reward Plausible!
Roe/Xan Adams - I need contact info for them to return something of value. Conyn 571-212-5003 SP28
Did you lose something on Horde Hill Wed night? Come to Great Dark E10 to ransom. Tell us want you were doing when you lost it!
Deadline to submit names for The Pennsic Independent Memorial Issue is Tuesday at 1:00pm. Name submissions should include (only that information you are comfortable giving): SCA Name, Modern Name, Date of Death, Age at Death, Cause of Death. IF YOU WISH TO HAVE MORE INFORMATION, please purchase a Memorial Display for a special prince of $8 per column inch. All must be submitted at the Pennsic Independent office! We are short-handed and cannot do so via email. Thank you, and peace be with us all.
Baklava Class Changed to 08/09 frome 08/11 10am no7 Hands on-Turkish rolling pins, syrups & musk avail.
RED BRANCH camp now has geriatric parking Ask @ E27
Dear Persona Police, Please enjoy your vacation in your way and I will enjoy my vacation my way. Warmly, Lady Zombina of the Swamp.